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Christmas On Pointe (A Silver Bell Falls Holiday Novella) Page 7
Christmas On Pointe (A Silver Bell Falls Holiday Novella) Read online
Page 7
She laughed softly. “Well...I have a confession to make.”
He looked at her expectantly.
“I used to wish that you’d want to get to know me. When you would come into the diner for breakfast, I always made sure I sat you in my section in hopes that you would talk to me and then I used to wish that you’d ask me out.” She was blushing, looking at their hands as she confessed.
“Are you...you mean you were interested in me?” he asked, unable to believe that he had been that clueless.
She nodded and then looked up at him. “I was. I...I am.” Pausing, she shook her head. “That’s not the reason I offered to help with Maya. I want you to know that. One has nothing to do with the other. But...I don’t want this to be weird for you.”
“How could it possibly be weird? What are you talking about?”
“I just...I don’t want you wondering why I’m here or what’s prompting me to be here with you and Maya. I think she’s a great kid and honestly, I see a lot of myself in her. I love her enthusiasm for dancing and I want to help her learn more about it and really see if it’s something she wants to continue with.”
“Abby, I’ll admit that I had no idea that you...well, that you had feelings for me, but I know you’re not the kind of person who would use a child to get close to anyone. To me,” he said, his voice a little low, gruff. Taking his hand from hers, he reached up and caressed her cheek. “I’m just trying to figure out how we make this work. My life is...crazy right now. My time isn’t my own and I have no idea when that’s going to change – or if it ever will.”
“And I totally get that,” she replied. “I would never ask you to put time with me before your time with Maya. I guess...I guess we just sort of have to wait and see how it goes.”
He frowned. “That’s it? No plan? No...demand on when we’ll be able to go out alone?”
She chuckled softly. “Dean, that’s something you’re going to learn about me. I don’t really make plans too far ahead and I don’t put demands on anyone. I’m fairly laid back and go with the flow even when it’s probably not the best thing for me.”
“That doesn’t sound good.”
“It’s not. Not really.” Abby paused and seemed to be considering her next words. “I’m the kind of person who will go out of my way for someone in need and not expect anything in return. I just do it because I want to. Sometimes people appreciate the help, other times they don’t and ultimately I get taken advantage of. I try not to let that happen too much but sometimes it can’t be helped.”
“I certainly don’t want to take advantage of you where Maya is concerned. I really do appreciate all that you’re doing for her, for us. And if it gets to the point where you’re feeling put upon, promise me you’ll say something.” He paused and shook his head, then let out a small laugh. “I tend to be a little more clueless, probably because I don’t hang out with a lot of people. My job is fairly solitary and I’ve lived on my own for so many years. I’m figuring all of it out a little bit each day and I have to admit, this is a big transition for me.”
“You mean with Maya?”
He nodded. “And with you.” He shrugged. “You work at the gossip capital of Silver Bell Falls. I’m sure by now you know that everyone refers to me as a recluse.”
She chuckled. “Sorry. But...okay. Yes. I do know that and it always bothered me when they said it.”
Now it was her turn to shrug. “I don’t know. It just seemed...wrong. Sad, actually. I hated to think of you being alone and cut off from the community.”
“Well, I’m sure you also heard about what my family was like when I was growing up. Or more specifically, my sister.”
Abby nodded. “I have. But...the first time I heard about it was right after she died. Before that...I don’t know. It just never came up.”
When Dean started discussing his family, he felt some tension start to ease from his shoulders. “So...I guess we’re just going to take this day by day.”
“I guess so,” she agreed, a small smile playing at her lips.
They were silent for a few minutes and Dean took the time to look at her – to linger without an audience or without being rushed. “This is nice,” he said softly, reaching up and caressing her cheek again.
“I have to agree.”
“Did I thank you for baking the cookies?” he asked, inching just a little bit closer to her.
“You did,” she answered just as softly. “Did I thank you for making dinner?”
“You did.” He couldn’t help but smile.
“Hmm...I guess there’s nothing else for us to really talk about,” she said with a dramatic sigh.
“Good,” Dean said. “Because I’m really done with talking.” Then he closed the distance between them, gently pulling her forward and claiming her lips with his.
The first time they’d kissed, it had been an impulse and slightly frantic before Maya had interrupted them. But now there were no interruptions, no one watching, and rather than go for fast and frantic, Dean wanted to savor. Explore. Taste and tease. Abby melted against him and as his arms wrapped around her, he did what he’d been dying to do for what seemed like weeks.
He reached up, pulled the band from her hair and ran his hand through it.
So soft – like silk – and it felt really good against his skin. Fisting it in his hand, he pulled her closer and Abby went willingly. Her own hands were raking up into his hair and he had no idea who moved first, but soon they were lying down on the sofa. He was on his back and Abby was sprawled out on top of him – every inch of her pressed up against him.
She weighed next to nothing and when he let his one free hand roam up and down her back, down over the curve of her slender waist and then lower to cup her bottom, he couldn’t help but imagine how soft her skin would feel. Or how those long, sleek limbs would feel wrapped around him.
His mouth skimmed her jaw, her throat sighed his name and that’s when he knew they had to stop. It had been too long since he’d been with a woman and Maya was just down the hall and...
Abby lifted up slightly as if reading his mind, her breathing ragged. “Wow.”
Dean caressed her cheek and jaw and sighed. “If we were alone in the house right now...”
She nodded. “I know. That’s what I was thinking too.”
“But we’re not and...” He paused and shifted them so they were sitting up a little straighter. “I want you, Abby. I knew once we were alone that I’d want to kiss you and I thought that would be enough, but once I did...”
“It was pretty intense.”
“I wanted to go slow. I’m sorry. I should have had a little more control.”
Abby chuckled and reached out, taking one of his hands in hers. “I don’t think either of us had much control for a few minutes there and really, it was just kissing.”
“Just kissing?” he teased.
“You know what I mean,” she said shyly.
Nodding, he squeezed her hand. “I know. I don’t think I’ve had such an exciting make-out session since I was about seventeen.”
They shifted again until they were side by side with Abby’s head on his shoulder. “Maybe we could watch a little TV or something.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Dean reached for the remote and they channel surfed for a few minutes before he decided to turn on Netflix so they’d have more options. “Do we want to laugh, think, or have the bejesus scared out of us?” Abby laughed out loud and Dean really loved the sound. “What’s your show of choice? Binge watch anything lately?”
“You know, I haven’t. When I’m home and have free time, I tend to dance and work on choreography for the classes.”
“Really? Even after teaching all afternoon you still want to go home and dance? I would think you’d be exhausted and want to get off your feet.”
She shrugged. “It invigorates me. But there are definitely days when all I want to do is crash on the couch with about ten pounds of junk food
and just zone out for a while. I don’t do it, but the thought is there.”
“Okay, so what should we binge on?” he asked softly. “And do I need to get out some junk food?”
“I wouldn’t say no to a couple more cookies...”
Dean carefully moved and stood up. “You scroll around and see if you find something of interest and I’ll get us some cookies and...”
“Milk. The word you’re looking for is milk,” she teased. “There is no other beverage to drink with them.”
Laughing, Dean made his way to the kitchen. Five minutes later, he was back beside her on the sofa and saw that she had chosen Orange is the New Black.
“I don’t think I’ve watched this,” he said, reaching for a cookie.
“Me either. But I hear people talking about it all the time. I guess I’d like to see what all the fuss is about. Is that okay?”
And with Abby curled up beside him, they shared a plate of cookies and he finally learned the appeal of the whole “Netflix and chill” craze.
For every one thing that had gone right for the following week, something else went wrong. Well, that wasn’t completely accurate. It was just the one thing.
Not enough time alone with Abby.
And Dean was slowly losing his mind.
They saw each other every day – they’d even had dinner together twice – but Maya had been with them. Whenever they spent time together was great – they would laugh and have fun and he found himself relaxing more and more and settling into his newfound role of single parent. He was even enjoying it. But right now, he couldn’t help but focus on how different things would be if he didn’t have to be a responsible single parent.
He could take Abby out on a proper date.
She could spend the night with him at his place.
Or he could spend the night with her at her place.
It wasn’t particularly helpful for him to keep harping on it and yet...it was never far from his mind. When he was alone in his car on the way to and from work? He thought about it. When he was out walking a piece of property for work? He thought about it. And when he would show up at the dance studio and see Abby moving around in nothing but one of her leotards, tights and those little wrap skirts? Hell yeah he thought about it.
Now here he was on a Friday afternoon trying to figure out a way to find some time alone with her. They were already planning another Netflix night at his house the following night but...damn. It felt wrong that he wasn’t taking her out someplace.
How ironic that he’d spent a large portion of his life trying to stay inside and away from any kind of social activity and now that he was more than ready to go out, he was forced to stay in.
Thanksgiving was just a little less than a week away. Being that his parents had just traveled for his sister’s funeral, they already let him know that they wouldn’t be making the trip for Thanksgiving this year. And he’d had no problem letting them know that he wasn’t prepared to travel again either. Maybe that was the wrong attitude to have – after all, they all normally spent the holiday together.
At Karen’s.
At first, Dean wasn’t sure of what he wanted to do or how he was going to handle it, but when he talked to Abby about it, she told him that she was going to be alone this year too. Her mom wasn’t coming in for Thanksgiving because she was going to come and spend Christmas with her. Their plans just seemed to fall into place from there that they’d spend the day together. Abby was going to come over and they were all going to work together to make a Thanksgiving feast.
Maya was beyond thrilled with the idea. She’d been talking for days about helping stuff the turkey and how she was going to learn to mash real potatoes. Overall, their Thanksgiving was shaping up to be a good day for all of them.
If he could just get over the disappointment in their lack of privacy and alone time.
Walking into the community center, he waved to Kathy Jones and was just going to keep walking when she called out to him again. Turning around, he walked over to the desk. “Hey, Kathy. What’s up?”
“Well, I was kind of hoping I could ask a favor,” she said a bit hesitantly.
“A favor?” It really did seem kind of odd. He’d known Kathy since high school but they had never really had a reason to talk since then. He knew she was married and had a couple of kids and obviously she worked for the town, but other than that, he couldn’t imagine him being able to help her with anything.
“My youngest daughter Jenny is in Abby’s class with your niece Maya. They’re also in the same class at school,” she began.
“Oh,” he said, still not sure where she was going with all of this.
“Anyway, Jenny’s birthday is tomorrow and she’s having a party – a slumber party – and...well...I know it’s short notice but she would love for Maya to come! I know this is all kind of new to you, and maybe Maya’s not ready for a sleepover, but...I wanted to ask you first before Jenny said anything. And believe me, she’s been dying to say something.”
If he could, he’d jump over the desk and kiss Kathy. He knew he had to play it cool. It would seem odd if he were overly anxious about sending his niece off to a sleepover with a group of people she didn’t really know. He wracked his brain for the appropriate questions.
“So...what time would she need to be there tomorrow?”
Kathy’s entire face lit up with joy. “Oh, you’re really okay with letting her come over?”
“It’s going to be wonderful. Sam and I are both going to be home along with our two older daughters, Michele and Amy, who will be helping out with the younger girls. We’ve had six girls say yes and then you add Jenny and – hopefully – Maya, and that will be eight little girls.” She fanned herself for dramatic effect.
“That sounds a bit overwhelming,” he commented, mainly because just the thought of it scared the hell out of him. He was thankful Maya hadn’t asked to have a sleepover at their house.
“We’re asking all of the parents to bring the girls over around three tomorrow afternoon. We’re going to play games and watch a movie and we’re going to order pizza for dinner and it’s just going to be a ton of fun!”
Dean had no idea why she would think that. It sounded like torture to him. “Um...what time would I need to pick her up on Sunday?”
“Some of the girls are getting picked up early – like around ten – because they’re going to church with their families, but the majority are staying until after lunch. So really, it’s completely up to you as to when you’d like to get her.”
His heart was beating wildly in his chest as his mind raced with all of the new opportunities the weekend held. He could take Abby out on a date. They could have some time alone.
One of them could spend the night – like an adult sleepover.
It was almost too good to let himself imagine.
“Are you sure you’re okay with letting her come to the party? I wasn’t sure if she was struggling with separation anxiety or...you know...anything like that,” Kathy said quietly.
“I honestly don’t know. This will be the first time that we’re going to try this.”
Reaching across the desk, she patted his hand. “Tell you what, why don’t you talk to her first? I know she’s in there with Abby. It’s so wonderful how she’s taken Maya under her wing. The two of them just look so precious together!”
He had to agree.
“So talk to her – maybe get Abby’s input too – and let me know before you leave. And if she’s not ready to do it, then that’s okay too,” Kathy said. “We can always try again at another time.”
“Sounds good. Thanks, Kathy.” Dean waved and turned to walk into the classroom. Abby was finishing up and giving her students some extra instructions since there wouldn’t be any classes next week due to the holiday. He took a seat and waited for her to finish. Once the class
was dismissed, he made his way across the room toward Maya who was doing her homework quietly in the corner.
“Hey, kiddo,” he said, crouching down beside her. “What are you working on?”
She shrugged but didn’t look at him.
Odd. She was normally chatty when he came to pick her up – anxious to tell him about her day and everything that happened at school. He looked at the picture she was coloring. “This is a great picture,” he praised. “Can we hang it on the refrigerator when we get home?”
Another shrug.
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Abby motioning to him. Kissing Maya on the head, he rose and walked across the room. “What’s going on? Has she been like this all afternoon?”
Abby nodded. “She was upset when she got off the bus because she heard some of the girls in her class talking about a slumber party and she didn’t get invited. My heart just about broke in two for her. I offered to let her come and have a sleepover at my place, but that didn’t work.” She sighed. “I just didn’t even know what to say to her.”
“You may not believe this, but I was just talking to Kathy out at the front desk about this exact thing.”
“A slumber party?”
He nodded. “It’s her daughter who’s having the party. She said Jenny takes ballet at the same time as Maya.”
Abby’s eyes went wide. “Maya didn’t tell me who it was. She didn’t mention any names. Oh, no wonder she was so upset. The two of them have really become buddies.” She turned and looked at Maya sitting in the corner looking sad. Turning back to Dean she said, “Please tell me she was inviting Maya to that party!”
He nodded. “She wanted to run it by me before Jenny said anything to Maya. She was afraid that maybe Maya was dealing with some separation anxiety and might not be ready to venture out to a sleepover yet.”
“Do you think she is?”
Dean shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know. She mentioned a couple of weeks ago about hoping that someday she’d get to sleep at a friend’s house, but she also talked about how often her mom would dump her off at the babysitter’s house to sleep there. So really, it’s anyone’s guess how she’s going to handle this.”