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Christmas On Pointe (A Silver Bell Falls Holiday Novella) Page 9

  His own dark eyes went wide. “Really?”

  Abby nodded. “Honestly, I would have been fine with grabbing a pizza and staying in.”

  Dean couldn’t help the laugh that came out. “Sure, now you tell me!” he teased right before he reached up and cupped Abby’s cheek in one hand. He stroked the soft skin and then he turned serious. “I meant what I said, Abby. I just didn’t want you to think that this was all I wanted. I really enjoyed going out with you today and I think you know enough about me to know that it’s not something I usually do.”

  “I know. That’s why I didn’t throw out my pizza suggestion,” she said, her own expression serious. “It means a lot to me that you were willing to go out tonight and leave your comfort zone. You didn’t have to.” Then she got up on her toes and placed a soft kiss on the side of his throat. “But I’m really glad you did.”

  There were so many things swirling around in his head that he wanted to say, but none of it seemed...enough. He wasn’t good with talking about his feelings. That wasn’t his style, but he could show her.

  He could spend all night showing her.

  Leaning down, he kissed her. It was the kind of kiss that you eased into, that built up momentum and left you anxious for the next one. And he sure was anxious for the next one. And the one after that. Abby let out a soft hum that he actually could feel and knew she felt exactly as he did.

  It was all the encouragement he needed.

  Sighing her name as his lips reluctantly left hers to travel across the soft skin of her cheek and down the slender column of her throat, he let his hands begin to wander. For weeks, he’d admired her lithe body, wondered what it would feel like under his hands. Together they worked to take her coat and scarf off before doing the same with his.

  They didn’t bother with propriety – like hanging the garments up – they simply let them drop to the floor. Abby initiated the next kiss as she slowly led him to her bedroom, walking backwards through the darkened house. Once inside her room, she broke the kiss and smiled up at him.

  A quick glance around showed him a room with one small lamp lit and a bed that was partially turned down – as if in anticipation. He looked at Abby with a sheepish grin. “Had I known...”

  “This is perfect,” she said softly. “ I feel like I’m the one who was being presumptuous.”

  Dean shook his head. “Never. I think this just shows that we’re both feeling the same way.” He paused and caressed her cheek. “And I’m hoping we’re both going to be feeling a lot better.”

  Abby’s smile was slow and shy and even in the dim light he saw her blush again – could almost feel the heat creep into her cheeks. Without a word, she took a step back and slipped her shoes off – her eyes never leaving his. Tonight she’d worn her long hair loose and in this lighting it looked soft and glossy with a hint of blue to it. It fascinated him.

  Before he could comment on it, Abby pulled her sweater up and over her head and then all rational thought left him.

  Her body was so slim, so...everything. His hands began to twitch with the need to touch her. Wearing deep purple lace to cover her breasts, she looked so damn perfect.

  Then she sighed his name.

  And he was lost.


  It was late.

  Much later than Abby normally stayed awake.

  But there was a very good reason for it.

  Dean was wrapped around her and it felt absolutely glorious. In all of her fantasies about him – and there had been many in the last year – never had it been like this. She had a feeling he’d be incredibly gentle with her – because of his normal quiet disposition – but she never expected the wildness in him.

  And she loved it.

  Like seriously loved it.

  With the slightest bit of encouragement from her, he’d gone from careful and cautious with her – as if he was afraid she’d break – to a slightly dominant, demanding and thorough lover.

  “You’re quiet,” he whispered and even the sound of his low voice was enough to make her tingle.

  “I’m simply enjoying being here like this with you.”

  “Are you sure? I got a little...carried away.”

  Abby heard the hesitancy in his voice and had a feeling he’d be worried about it. “I believe I thoroughly encouraged the carrying and believe me when I say I enjoyed it.” Turning in his arms, she faced him and smiled. “And...I do believe I wouldn’t mind having you get carried away again.”

  Dean chuckled softly. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say to that.”

  She laughed with him. “How about exactly what you’re thinking?”

  “I would but ‘yippee’ just seems a little unmanly.”

  They both laughed as Dean hugged her close and kissed her on the top of her head. “Abby,” he sighed.


  “I have a confession to make.”

  “Okay,” she said quietly.

  “I love watching you dance,” he said.

  Well...that wasn’t what she was expecting. At all. “Really?”

  He nodded. “I’m actually a little in awe of the way you dance and move and...” He stopped.

  Abby sat up a little and looked at him. “What? What were you going to say?”

  “Never mind,” he said shyly and tried to pull her in for another kiss.

  But her curiosity got the better of her. “Uh-uh. Come on. What were you going to say?”

  Dean sighed. Loudly. Rolling onto his back, he flung an arm over his eyes as if he were embarrassed to look at her. “I kind of...dammit.” Another sigh. “I kind of fantasized about watching you dance. Just for me.”

  Wow. That was totally unexpected too. “Like...a striptease?” she asked, slightly confused.

  He shook his head. “No. More like...just doing what you do in class. But...just for me. And maybe...just wearing something sexy.” she got it. “Like maybe just my underwear or a tutu?”

  He groaned. “I’m horrible. You’re probably thinking I’m a total perv right now, right?”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “No! I just...I never had anybody say something like that to me.”

  “Please don’t hate me or think I’m weird.” He cursed. “I’m an idiot. Just...forget I said anything, all right?”

  It would be easy to tell him yes and move on but...the idea sort of intrigued her. Moving from the bed, she moved in the darkness and pulled her lingerie back on.


  She ignored him as she made her way around the room. She found her iPod and plugged it into her portable speakers. Next, she twisted her hair up and...

  “Don’t,” he said, his voice low and gruff.

  “Don’t what?”

  “Leave it down. Please. If you can.”

  For a moment, she stood frozen and uncertain. He’d really put some thought into this. He was about to say something but she cut him off. “’s fine. Really.” Turning, Abby chose a selection from her iPod – a classical piece that she usually used when she was dancing around the house as part of her morning routine. When she turned around, Dean was sitting a little more upright with the pillows stacked behind him so he could watch her.

  Her bedroom wasn’t overly spacious, but it offered enough room for her to do several moves to showcase what she sometimes did in class. The ballet classes were really for beginners and whenever she did dance alone, it was normally to teach the steps to the class. Only occasionally did she really dance just to stretch out and really show the class what she could do. Sometimes it was done at the request of the girls because they enjoyed watching her dance – and Abby really enjoyed doing it for them.

  Sort of like how she was enjoying this now.

  Maybe not the lingerie part – she was a little self-conscious about that, about her body in general – but judging by the way Dean was watching her right now, he didn’t feel the same way about her body as she did.


  Normally that wasn’t an issue for her – sort of. No man had ever complained about her body. But this was the first time she was doing something that was so blatantly showcasing it.

  And that was saying something.

  Sex was intimate. The act of making love meant baring your body to your partner, but the fact that Dean wanted to see her dance with next to nothing on felt intimate on a whole other level.

  The music started and Abby took a steadying breath, forcing all thoughts of Dean, her body – and her underwear – out of her mind and letting the music speak to her. She moved. Her body flowed and spun and paused and simply let itself be led by the music. It wasn’t easy in the limited space, but Abby found herself moving instinctively – doing moves that she normally only used when she was alone. And minutes later – when the music stopped – she simply held the pose.

  And her breath.

  She never saw or heard Dean move and yet suddenly he was in front of her. Relaxing her pose, she looked up at him and the look in his eyes showed a myriad of emotions. It was heady and exciting and a little bit terrifying.

  “What did you...?”

  She never got to finish. Dean’s lips claimed hers in a kiss that was so fierce, so carnal that she simply melted against him. He lifted her as she wrapped her legs around his waist and let him carry her back to the bed. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think and still he kissed her. He peeled the silk and lace from her body and as he moved against her a second time, Abby had to wonder how she had lived this long without ever feeling like this.


  In the morning, Dean simply enjoyed the act of holding Abby while she slept.

  At least, that was his plan for a little while. Eventually he’d wake her and make love to her again before he had to leave. And damn, he so did not want to leave.

  Last night was...there were no words. Making love to Abby for the first time was incredible. Watching her dance? Well...that was the most sensual and erotic thing he’d ever seen and holy hell, the image was going to be burned into his brain permanently. Watching Abby dance, in general, was one thing, but watching her dance just for him? There were no words.

  Turning slightly, he looked over at the clock and saw that it was after nine. They had several hours but...maybe he was being selfish. Maybe Abby had things to do today and he should be attempting to get up and get out of her way. He was just about to move when he felt her kiss his shoulder and his chest. She was curled up against him with her hand resting low on his stomach and clearly, she was waking up.

  A man could easily get used to this kind of an alarm clock.

  “Mmm...” she purred against his skin. “Good morning.”

  It certainly was. “Good morning.”

  Abby stretched right before she slowly climbed on top of him, straddling him.

  Yeah, a man could definitely get used to this.

  “What time is it?” she asked sleepily, her eyes never leaving his.

  “Just a little after nine.”

  A slow smile crept across her face. “Good. We have plenty of time. I was afraid I’d slept too long.”

  Dean didn’t need to ask what she was talking about. Reaching out, he cupped her breasts before letting his hands roam up over her face and into that glorious mane of hair. His hands gently fisted there for a moment and he heard her soft hiss of breath. He murmured her name.

  “I should be a good hostess and offer you breakfast, but...”

  He shook his head. “This is much better than breakfast.”

  She laughed softly. “I don’t know...I’ve been told I make spectacular pancakes.”

  For a moment, he pretended to consider her words. “Pancakes, huh? I guess this could wait.” Instead of stopping, he moved under her, rubbing in all the right places.

  The quiet moan that escaped her lips told Dean she was no more interested in breakfast right now than he was. He moved again. And again. And with each stroke Abby’s breath hitched until she was practically panting. She chanted his name and began to move with him. Pulling her down, he kissed her. It was hot and wet and a little bit sloppy and yet it was perfect. And when they broke apart, she looked down at him and smiled.

  Hell, they’d be lucky if they made it out of bed for lunch.


  “And then we had pizza! And I got to sit next to Jenny! We watched a movie and then had popcorn and cupcakes. I had a chocolate one with pink icing. There were vanilla ones too but I really like the chocolate ones the best!”

  Maya had been in the car for all of five minutes and Dean wasn’t sure she’d stopped to take a breath yet. He knew this sleepover had been a big deal to her and he was more than happy to let her chatter away about how much fun she had. It made him feel good to see her so excited.

  “So can I? Can I Uncle Dean?”

  Crap! What had he missed? “Um...sorry. What did you ask?” Looking in the rearview mirror, he saw his niece frown at him.

  “I asked if I could sleep at Jenny’s next weekend too!”

  He wanted to say “hell yes” but figured they probably had to ask about that. “We’ll talk to Jenny’s mom on Monday. It’s Thanksgiving week and I don’t know if Jenny and her family will be in town. But if they are and her mom says it’s okay, then I’m good with it too.”

  “Yeah!” she cried. “Thanks, Uncle Dean! You’re the best!”

  He wasn’t so sure. As much as he could say he was doing it for her happiness, the truth was that he was also looking forward to having another night with Abby. For the foreseeable future, this was how it was going to be – stolen moments and grabbing a night alone when they could. It wasn’t ideal and he wasn’t thrilled about it, but it was their reality for now.

  “Uncle Dean?”

  Glancing at her in the mirror, he said, “Yes?”

  “How come you’re not married?”


  “Did you have a wife and she died? Like my mom and dad?”

  Oh hell... “Um...” Luckily, they were pulling into their driveway. Dean knew he wasn’t going to be able to ignore her questions, but he certainly didn’t want to have this talk in the car.

  “Everyone at the party had a mom and a dad. You know, who were both alive and not in heaven. I told them that my mommy just died and that made me sad. Then Jenny’s mom came over and hugged me and that’s when we had the cupcakes. Then I wasn’t so sad.”

  Dean climbed from the car and helped Maya get out. When they were inside, he asked her to sit down with him on the couch. She looked up at him – her big blue eyes as wide as saucers – as she waited.

  “You know that it’s okay to be sad about your mom, right?” he began. When Maya nodded, he reached for her hand and held it in his. “And I want you to know that whenever you want to talk about that, about being sad or even if you just want to talk about your mom, you can come to me. She was my sister and...I miss her too.”

  Maya’s face turned thoughtful, then serious. “You do?”

  Dean nodded. “I really do. She was my big sister and I loved her.” He squeezed her hand. “And it’s okay to be sad, Maya. And sometimes it’s going to be hard because...well...your friends won’t be able to understand what you’re feeling.”

  “Because their mommies are here and not in heaven,” Maya said solemnly.

  Dean nodded again. “Exactly. And I know it’s going to be hard sometimes but I promise you that I’m always going to be here for you. It’s not the same as your mom being here and I know that, but I just...I want you to know that I’ll do whatever I can to make a good life for us.”

  She studied him for a long moment. “Are you going to get married?”

  Damn. The kid didn’t hold back on her questions, did she? He figured he owed her an honest answer. “I don’t know. I always thought I’d get married someday,’s not something I’m thinking about right now. Right now I want to work on getting you and I settled into our life together. There’s school and my job and the holidays
are almost here and...”

  “Did you get a turkey with Abby?” Maya interrupted.

  “I sure did. It’s over at Abby’s house and she’s going to make it for us.”

  Maya pulled her hand from his and jumped up so she was sitting on her knees on the sofa beside him – all traces of her sadness from moments ago, gone. “Do you think she’ll let me help her with it? I know I didn’t like to touch the chicken the last time I cooked with her, but I want to help with the turkey!”

  Dealing with a five-year-old was beyond confusing. Maya’s attention span was short and sometimes it was hard to keep up with her because she continually changed the subject. “You can ask her tomorrow after school. I’m sure she’d love for you to help her,” he said and hoped he was right. For all he knew, Abby had her own tradition with preparing the Thanksgiving turkey that didn’t involve having a curious kindergartener hovering over her shoulder.

  “Okay,” Maya said and then climbed off the couch. “Can I have a snack now?”

  “Uh...sure.” Rising, Dean went to the kitchen with Maya skipping behind him and helped her decide on some cookies and milk. He joined her at the kitchen table where they finished off the rest of the cookies they’d baked with Abby.

  “I don’t have school on Wednesday,” Maya said around a mouthful of a chocolate chip cookie. “Or Thursday and Friday. And we don’t have any ballet classes this week, but Abby said she was still going to dance with me to help me practice to get better. Do you think she’ll dance with me all day on Wednesday since I don’t have to go to school?”

  Dean chuckled. “Abby works at the diner during the day, kiddo. I don’t think she’ll have the time.”

  “So am I going to have to work at the diner on Wednesday?”

  He looked at her oddly. “No. Why would you think that?”

  “Because she’s my babysitter. And you have to work too.” She took another bite of her cookie. “I have to stay some place if I’m not at school.”

  At that moment, Dean realized that he had taken for granted the fact that he’d have to discuss these things with her. From what he learned over the last couple of weeks, his sister never provided a particularly stable home life for the two of them and the last thing he wanted was for that pattern to continue.